Sunday, July 12, 2009

Lochlan Samuel

Lochlan Samuel Bennett
July 11, 2009
6:34 PM
7lbs, 9.6 oz
19" long

Friday, June 19, 2009

Aislyn's Piano Recital

Aislyn's Solo

BBQ Baby!

Aislyn had her piano recital on Sat. June 6th. She did do the opening prayer but she was so quiet you couldn't hear her. She played "Chimes" for her solo and did fairly well. She is a pro at home but gets a little shy in front of a crowd. We are still proud of her none the less:o) The last couple weeks is seems she is growing up so much! Kynsal too! She walks around the house chattering up a storm and swinging her shoulders for emphasis. And it is official... Kynsal loves BBQ sauce. I craved it like crazy being pregnant with her and she had it for the first time this week and loves it! Well, with a little over two weeks left Aislyn is very excited for the baby to arrive. Kynsal just lifts my shirt, pats my belly and laughs. Our world is about to change again drastically here very soon. We covet your prayers! I am sure Jason will post the news of our newest edition so stay tuned...

Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Preschool Graduation

Aislyn and Mrs. Marcy

Our Graduate!

Aislyn graduated from preschool yesterday! I had no idea it was such a big event and that they would wear caps and gowns. But, it is sad to think that she will start kindergarten in the fall. My baby girl is growing up to quickly! Before the ceremony I wanted to take pictures of her but Aislyn wanted to talk to her friends and not be bothered. She is our social butterfly! Her class sang "I am a Promise", and "Thank you for our Country". Afterwards we took her to her favorite restaurant, Cracker Barrel. It was a good day! At her parent/teacher conference a few weeks ago Mrs. Marcy talked about how advanced Aislyn is and that she is definitely ready for kindergarten. Every parent thinks their kid is smart but it makes you proud when a teacher confirms it. Now hopefully the graduation of the class of 2022 won't come to quickly!

May Days

Happy Kynsal!

Aisey the Elephant

Kynsal with a new perspective on life

Aislyn with Pepe

Cruzin the 'hood

I think I am finally current with updates! Let's see... we have made a couple more trips to the zoo before the membership ran out:o( But we have a new baby elephant at the zoo that we were able to finally see. Very cute! And I think that was the inspiration behind Aislyn's mask. The girls love the zoo. Aislyn's favorite animals are the penguins and giraffes while Kynsal's are the flamingos and fish. Probably because she can see them the best. Kynsal barks at all the animals to talk to them. It is very cute! Kynsal has also discovered how to walk backwards. She has to concentrate very hard but then giggles at her accomplishment. She also gives lots of kisses, says "Hi" to everyone and will blow kisses bye-bye. The video below shows her dancing to "itsy-bitsy spider".

We went camping over Memorial Day weekend and had a good time. The girls loved being outside, swimming, the campfire and s'mores. We took them to a couple waterfalls and caves but I think the highlight of our trip was the caterpillar races! Aislyn found "crawly" and "leafy" and several times a day had races with them. She spent hours playing with them and they didn't crawl away the whole weekend! Kynsal didn't sleep very well in the camper but did very good for being sleep deprived. Her favorite part was saying "Hi" to everyone that walked by and all the wagon rides. Hope you all have a great start to your summer! Love you!

Spring Activities

Daddy's golfing Buddy!

Kynsal's crazy hair!

We have made the most of the cooler weather by going to the zoo several times, playing outside, going to the park, etc. Jason has been teaching Aislyn how to play golf in the backyard and she can't wait to go with him this summer to play "real" golf. Aislyn loves games and sports. She can hit a softball pitched to her about 80% of the time. Below you will see a video of her "real" bowling (not Wii) and the outcome. My dad would be proud:o) As for Kynsal, she continues to learn something new everyday. She is saying Mommy, Daddy, baby, Aisey, "Hi kitty-kitty", dog, uh-oh, aaa-que (thank-you), tickle-tickle and eat. She has a mouth full of teeth now and she no longer walking but is running. She loves to go outside and every time we walk past the back door she throws a fit if we aren't going outside. Both the girls love scaring each other and tickling feet. So beware if you come to my house with no shoes on!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Easter '09

The girls had matching dresses for Easter but we had a hard time getting both of them to sit still and looking in the same general direction for a picture. We spent the week prior to Easter up in Michigan visiting with family and friends. We had a great time and the girls loved the late snowfall. As you can see, Kynsal is walking now and was climbing Grammy's couch. She tends to be a little dare devil. I wonder where she gets that from??? :o) Below is a video of her first learning how to walk.

Kynsal is One!

(Sorry it has been so long for an update and pictures! Today, you will get several all at once so enjoy!) Kynsal is One! I can't believe it! She had a wonderful party with friends and family. Kynsal enjoyed her cake very much as you can see. She stuck her face right into it and was trying to lick it:o) She loved her gifts too but seemed to like the paper and boxed the most while opening. Thank you to everyone for the gifts and coming to her party!

Tuesday, February 03, 2009


Aislyn and Kynsal at Kalahari!

Our Blue-eyed Butterfly!

Yup, she is standing now.

Aislyn's new hair cut

Kynsal has two teeth!

Wow! Many changes this past month. Mostly with Kynsal. She learned how to crawl, pull herself up, climb the stairs, get into everything, and have a temper all within 3 weeks! Our world is changing quickly and we have baby gates up everywhere now. I am sure things will become even more lively around here once #3 is added to the mix! Please pray for my sanity:o) As you can see I cut Aislyn's hair. I was tired of fighting her to brush it every morning so I cut it and she told me "I just love it so much!" I am glad because it is much easier. Aislyn had her face painted like a butterfly at the Reading Festival we took the girls to. They both had fun listening to stories, riding rides, jumping, meeting Franklin; Pooh Bear; Clifford etc. it was a long fun day. We also took the girls to Kalahari Waterpark Resort this past weekend. We met the Wagnitz family there for the weekend and had a blast! Kynsal did great and loved the water, and of coarse Aislyn was our little fish. Aislyn actually outlasted all the Wagnitz kid-o's. We are all happy to be home now recuperating!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Christmas '08

For the first time in 13 years we all woke up Christmas
morning in our own home. We missed being surrounded by family but it was good for the girls. We took our time opening gifts and Aislyn played with things as she opened them. She loved it! We did head north the next day and still were able to visit, see everyone, and have Christmas with my family. It was more difficult this year than I thought it would be for Bev, Aislyn, and myself with my Dad being gone. Please keep praying. We did our annual early New Years with our friends again this year. We count down with all the kids to 10pm then go home and go to bed:o) Yes, we are getting old. Aislyn continues to love school and couldn't wait to get back in the New Year. My little social butterfly needed to see all her friends. Kynsal is getting too big, too fast! As of Wednesday 1.7.09 she now has her second tooth and she is crawling everywhere! Time just goes to quickly! Other news, if you haven't heard yet, we are expecting Baby Bennett #3! We are very excited and will definitely have our hands full! Kynsal and this baby will be about 16 months apart. I am due July 7th. Please keep us in your prayers! I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and New Year, and I pray blessings for you all this coming year! Love You!