Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Spring Activities

Daddy's golfing Buddy!

Kynsal's crazy hair!

We have made the most of the cooler weather by going to the zoo several times, playing outside, going to the park, etc. Jason has been teaching Aislyn how to play golf in the backyard and she can't wait to go with him this summer to play "real" golf. Aislyn loves games and sports. She can hit a softball pitched to her about 80% of the time. Below you will see a video of her "real" bowling (not Wii) and the outcome. My dad would be proud:o) As for Kynsal, she continues to learn something new everyday. She is saying Mommy, Daddy, baby, Aisey, "Hi kitty-kitty", dog, uh-oh, aaa-que (thank-you), tickle-tickle and eat. She has a mouth full of teeth now and she no longer walking but is running. She loves to go outside and every time we walk past the back door she throws a fit if we aren't going outside. Both the girls love scaring each other and tickling feet. So beware if you come to my house with no shoes on!

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