Monday, February 20, 2006

Online Photos

I have a place to upload more photos now. It's called You can check out some more photos here:

Bennett Photos

The link will also always be listed there on the right side of the page --->

Hope you enjoy!

Aislyn Update

She is doing great! Her surgeon stopped the monthly visits and now we don't have to return for six months. We also found the root of her 10 month long diaper alergies to milk and whey. We switched her to soy based milk and we haven't had a major outbreak since. We will be meeting with an alergist and nutritionist in the next month or so to figure out what foods she can and cannot have.

She is also growing and developing so quickly! She is picking up words, learning and retaining new signs, and becoming quite a handful very fast. Aislyn has also learned the meaning of "time out" over the last couple of months. She's just as stubborn as I can be sometimes. Yep, she's a Bennett!

No. 2

"I'm the Big Sister" is what the shirt reads. That's right! Kim and I just found out we are expecting our second miracle sometime in October. This was Kim's way of telling me on Valentine's Day that she was pregnant. I came home work to have Aislyn come running to greet me in this shirt. Best Valentine's Day ever!
She's beautful, isn't she?