Monday, June 19, 2006

22 months old!

Wow! It has been 3 months since an update, Sorry! Well, Aislyn is learning to say and sign multiple words every day now. She is putting together 4-5 word sentences, she can count to 6 then skips to 9, 10. She says it in a way you would think 7 & 8 never existed. She knows all of her colors with yellow (yewow) being her favorite to say, pink her favorite to wear, and orange her favorite to sign. She amazes me everyday with what she can do, say, and figure out. She is a little sponge soaking up everything that she can. And her cheesey face is priceless! I am so thankful everyday for this gift God has entrusted to us. She is a very special child and not just because she's mine. Pray that God's hand countinues to be on her. ~ KimE