Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Bath Time

A Family Affair

Snug as a bug (ladybug) in a rug (towel)!

Kynsal is doing great! We took her for her one month check up and she already weights in at 9lbs. 6oz. She is a great baby and only gets up once a night. Hallelujah! We had to wait until she was 3 weeks old to give her the first tub bath because her cord didn't come off until then. But she loved it as long as she was warm. This girl, unlike her mommy and big sister, does not like to be cold. It fun seeing her different personality and preferences already at such a young age. She is starting to smile at us and coo:o) I love it! Aislyn continues to love being a big sister and talks to her, holds her, tries to play peek-a-boo, and tells everyone who will listen that she is a big sister now!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

More Pictures!

Here are a few more pictures of our girls...

Aislyn stamped her arms so she could have tattoos on her arms just like Daddy and Sketch!

Sisterly Love!

Happy Baby!

Kynsal trying to avoid the Paparazzi!