Sunday, June 05, 2005

Cute Hogtails

Well, Aislyn is now 9 1/2 months old. She has been out of the belly as long as she was in the belly. It is hard to believe. She is crawling now, pulling herself up to standing, walking while you hold her hands, and she can fly through the kitchen in her walker. She is so much fun and definitely has her own little personality and stubburn streak. She has been feeling better. We went 6 days without the diaper rash but it is back again. It was a peaceful, pleasant 6 six days. Aislyn made another trip back to Children's Hospital yesterday, but this time is was to drop off a couple wagons we donated to the hospital. We still have to go back monthly for a while for check ups and to continue the dialating. She keeps us busy but we love being parents! ~KimE