Friday, February 15, 2008

Getting Ready!

Aislyn is very excited for the baby to come out of my belly! Here she is helping us paint the baby's room, a dresser, and set up the crib. She asks me several times a day how much longer so today we are making a calendar. She can't wait to be a big sister and the baby kicks like crazy when Aislyn sings or talks to the baby. I think they will both be crazy about each other until they have to start sharing toys:o) We took Aislyn to Kalahari water park for a special big sister trip and she loved it of coarse. She says the baby is swimming in my tummy now but wants the baby to swim with her at the pool in the summer. We are in the final month now and excited to meet this little one. Aislyn says " I am having a sister and her name is Morgan". Not the name we have picked out if it is a girl but that is what Aislyn says:o) So boy? or girl? Stay tuned to find out....