Monday, January 07, 2008

Happy New Year!

We rang in the new year with a bang this year! :o) We celebrated with several friends and their kids. Since all the kids were 3 and under (and the parents are not) we did a count down to 9:30pm. We whistled and cheered, toasted our bubbly juice, then everyone went home to bed! Aislyn has started the new year with a great sense of humor. Making silly faces, loves making everyone laugh with her billy-bob teeth, and has a new joke to tell everyone! Ask her to tell you the next time you see her. We are doing well so far in 08. I am getting bigger by the day now with only 10 weeks to go before we get to see our new miracle. It is going to be a very exciting year! My prayer is that 2008 is peaceful. And I pray yours is as well! God Bless you all in '08! We love you!

Christmas '07

We had a great Christmas! Crazy busy, but great! Aislyn fared pretty well with all the traveling we did in such a short amount of time. Only a few melt downs:o) But it was wonderful to see all our family and friends. The highlights were we got to visit with the Alaska clan (Jason's Uncle and family), Aislyn got to make gingerbread cookies with Grammy, and of coarse the endless list of family we were able to visit with! The time together was brief it is always great to reconnect! Thank you to everyone for all of the gifts Aislyn received. She is having a blast just staying at home playing with all her gifts and I can't get her out of her pajamas! (That's my girl:o) We hope you all had a wonderful Christmas as well and remember to cherish the time you have with the ones you love!

Sunday, January 06, 2008

Jingle Bells

Aislyn had her first piano performance and she played her rendition of Jingle Bells. She didn't do as well as her practices but with the excitement of people watching her, wearing a pretty dress, and the three cookies she ate beforehand, I think she did very well for a three year old. The important thing is that she had fun and loves playing the piano. In fact she says that some day she is going to play the piano on a stage and sing songs to Jesus for lots of people. We have our very own little "Rock star" in the making:o)