Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Post Surgery, Day 2, Update 2

First of all, sorry for the delay this morning in posting an update. So for making everyone wait an extra few hours, here is a bonus post for you everyone...

I just got of the phone with Kim and they are letting Aislyn begin to take Pedilite as I type this. Another step on the road to recovery.

Quick prayer request: Aislyn has a bad cough and really sore throat from the combination of lying down for so long, no liquids, and the morphine. You can hear her wheezing when she breathes. She coughs to try and get everything out of her lungs and throat, but the coughing hurts her belly. Then she cries because her belly hurts, and then her throat hurts from crying. It's a vicious cycle

Kim also wanted me to thank everyone for all the cards Aislyn is getting through the hospital website. They have been so touching and encouraging.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's really great to hear that Aislyn is getting along so well. God's hand is upon her and healing her more each day. We will continue the prayers for a speedy recovery and speedy trip home. We're here if you need anything. God Bless and give Aislyn a kiss from us!