That's my Girl!
Well, it has been some crazy times around here the past couple months. As you know my dad past away but the night of his funeral I went to the hospital for emergency gall bladder removal. Then Jason threw his back out! I am so thankful for my mom's help! She pretty much took care of us all for about a month. I don't know what we would have done without her. It was a very precious month for me. Thanks Mommy! Just recently I was back in the ER again with a kidney stone. Please help us pray for this roller coaster to stop! But on a better/happier note, the girls are doing great! We have tried to make the most of summer with trips to the pool, the park, the zoo, and we have taken them camping! Aislyn loves it! Right know she is fascinated with fireflies or lightning bugs. She says to me "Look Mommy, they are blinking their bum-bums!" What is even cuter is seeing her wiggle her bum while trying to imitate them. Kynsal is starting to chatter up a storm. She will just "talk" like she is reading you a novel. Although her best friend to talk to is the ceiling fan:o) She gets so excited when you turn it on. Both girls are growing faster than the weeds in the back yard. Aislyn will be 4 soon. Can you believe it? Time is so precious! Click on the video below to here a word from our sponsor ... :o)