Thursday, August 30, 2007

1st Day of Preschool

Aislyn had her first day of preschool this week. She was so excited to go to school! They had story-time, playtime, art-time, snack-time, etc. After I picked her up we were in the van and I asked her "what did you learn in preschool today?" She replied, "Look Mommy, I can get it out!" She proceeded to stick a Yogo (fruit snack) up her nose, pull it out, and put it in her mouth! Yuck! Hopefully this will be the worst of things to come that she has learned from her peers. Aislyn told me later her favorite thing at school was her friends. Is this another sign of things to come??? Lord help us :o)

3rd Birthday!

Our Baby is 3! Aislyn had a wonderful time at her party with all her friends and family. She had a Dora party and loved all her gifts. Thank you everyone! She has been playing on her "jump-o-reen" everyday. One thing she doesn't like about being three is that we finally got rid of the binki's. She was not happy about that and she let us know about it in her own special way:o( But after about a week she started doing better. A few bumps in the road but I think we should all survive to see birthday #4.

Silly Aisey!

>Looks like she needs a trip to the dentist! Too many fruit snacks!

Aislyn is sporting this years new fashion for superheros:o)

Another Miracle!

Aislyn had an appointment at Childrens Hospital with a hand specialist on 7.18.07. We had her checked out about 6-8 months ago because there was something abnormal with her hands. She couldnt touch her thumb and pinky together, held her crayons awkwardly, curled her index finger and pointed with the middle finger, etc. She was initially diagnosed with the absence of Opponens Policis, poor opposition of thumbs, and they suspected she was missing a muscle that ran from her pectorals to her hands. So the doctor begins to examine her and comes to the same conclusion; she still cant perform certain motor skills with her hand so Aislyn therefore is still missing the muscles. The doctor begins to tell me about a test they wanted to perform and while she was talking, Aislyn looks at the doctor, puts her hands to the doctors face and touches her thumb and pinky, something she couldnt do 30 seconds prior! The doctors jaw dropped and exclaimed she had never in her life seen something like that happen and she repeatedly said she had no explanation whatsoever. I was able to then give an explanation and account of the healing power of Jesus! I praise the Lord for yet another miracle in the life of our Miracle Daughter!