Wow! Our baby is now 2 yrs. old! Oh how time goes so quickly. Aislyn had a great birthday celebration with all her family and little friends. Thanks to all of you who came and for her gifts. She had a great time tearing into the presents and was asking for "more presents"! She actually had cake (I made dairy-free, egg-free) and ice cream (sorbet) on her birthday! No repeats of last year:o) For her night time prayer she "tanked" Jesus for her family, friends, and presents. It was a great day and a great weekend!
On a side note, tonight at dinner the three of us held hands to pray. Jason usually prays and Aislyn enjoys Amen! But tonight Jason said "let's pray" and Aislyn says "Jeethis, tank you food, AAAAAA-men!" Jason and I looked at each other through the tears in our eyes for that is the first time she has prayed without repeating us or us asking her to pray. Wish you could have heard it! It was precious!