Thursday, December 28, 2006

Merry Christmas!

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas! Christmas this year was so much fun watching Aislyn pass out the gifts (more like throwing), tearing into her presents, and play with all her new toys. We made lots of homemade gifts this year and we had a great time (and a huge mess) with all of our projects. Aislyn is becoming quite crafty and she loves to paint! and she paints everything within reach of her paintbrush:o) Here is her Christmas picture this year... She looks like an angel and most of the time she is. Love you all and have a wonderful New Year!

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Finally Home!!!

Yes! I am finally home with Aislyn! It was heartwrenching the last few weeks working. She started saying "No Mommy work!" over and over and crying a few times when I would leave. But now our days are filled with play-doh, coloring, stickers, and Mr. Potato Head (Obviously!). I am enjoying being home with her emensly and I am amazed at how quickly the day goes by. I look forward to many more colorful days ahead:o)

Aislyn's first pony ride!

We went to the Circleville Pumpkin Show and Aislyn was so excited to take her first pony ride! She picked out the black pony named Buster and grinned from ear to ear the whole time:o) It was so cute to see her so excited! During the ride she kept saying "Hi Horsey! Hi!" and petting him with all the enthusiasm she could muster! And of coarse she didn't want to get off either:o(

The Apple of my Eye!

Aisey picking a "Pun-kin"

The latest family photo!

Aislyn continue to do well but we still have frequent visits to Children's. With all her food allergies, her Hirschrungs disease, and now her hands. Apparently she was born without the Palmar muscle in her hands. This is the most common muscle in the body to be born without but they are concerned that she may be missing part of her pectoral muscels also. We won't know anything until April because they have to wait until she is a little bigger to do the test to find out what is there and what is not. She also has 'digitized thumbs' but they don't stop her from doing anything! We are not to concerned but we ask that you continue to keep her in your prayers and the Lord will continue to heal her!

Monday, August 21, 2006

The Birthday Girls!

The Birthday Girls!
My sister, Jamie, and Aislyn share their birthday together!

2 Years Old!!!

Wow! Our baby is now 2 yrs. old! Oh how time goes so quickly. Aislyn had a great birthday celebration with all her family and little friends. Thanks to all of you who came and for her gifts. She had a great time tearing into the presents and was asking for "more presents"! She actually had cake (I made dairy-free, egg-free) and ice cream (sorbet) on her birthday! No repeats of last year:o) For her night time prayer she "tanked" Jesus for her family, friends, and presents. It was a great day and a great weekend!

On a side note, tonight at dinner the three of us held hands to pray. Jason usually prays and Aislyn enjoys Amen! But tonight Jason said "let's pray" and Aislyn says "Jeethis, tank you food, AAAAAA-men!" Jason and I looked at each other through the tears in our eyes for that is the first time she has prayed without repeating us or us asking her to pray. Wish you could have heard it! It was precious!

Monday, June 19, 2006

22 months old!

Wow! It has been 3 months since an update, Sorry! Well, Aislyn is learning to say and sign multiple words every day now. She is putting together 4-5 word sentences, she can count to 6 then skips to 9, 10. She says it in a way you would think 7 & 8 never existed. She knows all of her colors with yellow (yewow) being her favorite to say, pink her favorite to wear, and orange her favorite to sign. She amazes me everyday with what she can do, say, and figure out. She is a little sponge soaking up everything that she can. And her cheesey face is priceless! I am so thankful everyday for this gift God has entrusted to us. She is a very special child and not just because she's mine. Pray that God's hand countinues to be on her. ~ KimE

Saturday, March 18, 2006

No. 2 is with Jesus

To the baby that I carried
But never seen your eyes
Or tell you how much I loved you
Or ever to hear your cries.

You will never be forgotten
The excitement we had for your coming.
When I realized I'd never hold you,
The feeling I had was numbing.

Jesus is he with you?
I’ve wonder all the day
I sit and wonder why you’re gone
And why you could not stay

Every part of me is empty
I feel I can't go on
But then I look to heaven
I hear this beautiful song

”Mommy I am with Him
He holds me in His arms
When ever I am with Him
He keeps me safe and warm

He says you shouldn't worry
I am safe and loved right here
With all the other baby angels
that passed throughout the years

We have a special place up here
He thought that you should know
Where the Blessed Mother takes
your place for now until you show.”

When I heard this precious little voice
From the heavens above
I know that all the angels
are showering you with love

Now, as I rub my belly
I know you are not there
Then I look up to the heavens
With only a wondering stare

I close my eyes and begin to pray
Jesus, will you please bless me again one day?

Monday, February 20, 2006

Online Photos

I have a place to upload more photos now. It's called You can check out some more photos here:

Bennett Photos

The link will also always be listed there on the right side of the page --->

Hope you enjoy!

Aislyn Update

She is doing great! Her surgeon stopped the monthly visits and now we don't have to return for six months. We also found the root of her 10 month long diaper alergies to milk and whey. We switched her to soy based milk and we haven't had a major outbreak since. We will be meeting with an alergist and nutritionist in the next month or so to figure out what foods she can and cannot have.

She is also growing and developing so quickly! She is picking up words, learning and retaining new signs, and becoming quite a handful very fast. Aislyn has also learned the meaning of "time out" over the last couple of months. She's just as stubborn as I can be sometimes. Yep, she's a Bennett!

No. 2

"I'm the Big Sister" is what the shirt reads. That's right! Kim and I just found out we are expecting our second miracle sometime in October. This was Kim's way of telling me on Valentine's Day that she was pregnant. I came home work to have Aislyn come running to greet me in this shirt. Best Valentine's Day ever!
She's beautful, isn't she?